Release Date
12 March 2009
This report has been prepared to comply with certain requirements of the Medical Indemnity Act 2002 (Medical Indemnity Act). Section 34ZW of the Medical Indemnity Act provides for a report on aspects of the Run-Off Cover Scheme to be tabled each year in Parliament. The report is required to contain a statement of the:
- number of persons eligible for membership of the Run-Off Cover Scheme (the Scheme);
- total run-off cover (ROC) indemnity payments paid by the Commonwealth during the financial year, including claims handling and administration expenses;
- total ROC support payments paid to the Commonwealth during the financial year; and
- projected liabilities of the Scheme in future financial years.
This is the fourth report that has been prepared under section 34ZW of the Medical Indemnity Act. It relates to financial year 2007-08. The third report was tabled in Parliament on 19 March 2008.