Insurance reports

The AGA produces a number of reports in relation to insurance, including:

  • An annual report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers as per the Medical Indemnity Act 2002. The Run Off Cover Scheme (ROCS) is a scheme designed to provide medical indemnity insurance for doctors who have ceased private medical practice, for incidents which had occurred during their careers but had not yet been notified to insurers.
  • An annual report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers as per the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Act 2010. The Midwife Professional Indemnity Run-off Cover Scheme (MPIROCS) is a scheme designed to provide professional indemnity insurance for eligible privately practicing midwives who have ceased private midwifery practice, for incidents which had occurred during their careers but had not yet been notified to insurers.
  • Occasional reports on specific topics, such as the costs of home and contents insurance and strata insurance in north Queensland and the stability and affordability of medical indemnity insurance.


Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers
Report title Release Date
Nineteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2022-23 Financial Year 28-06-2024
Eighteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2021-22 financial year 28-06-2023
Seventeenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2020-21 Financial Year 28-07-2022
Sixteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2019-20 Financial Year 10-06-2021
Fifteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2018-19 Financial Year 31-08-2020
Fourteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2017-18 Financial Year 10-09-2019
Thirteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2016-17 Financial Year 15-08-2018
Twelfth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2015-16 Financial Year 14-09-2017
Eleventh report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2014-15 Financial Year 14-09-2016
Tenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2013-14 Financial Year 11-11-2015
Ninth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2012-13 Financial Year 24-03-2015
Eighth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2011‑12 Financial Year 05-03-2014
Seventh report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2010-11 Financial Year 14-08-2012
Sixth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2009‑10 Financial Year 21-06-2011
Fifth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2008‑09 Financial Year 11-05-2010
Fourth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2007‑08 Financial Year 12-03-2009
Third report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2006‑07 Financial Year 19-03-2008
Second report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2005‑06 Financial Year 27-03-2007
Report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run‑Off Cover Scheme for medical indemnity insurers - 2004‑05 Financial Year 28-03-2006
Run‑Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers
Report title Release Date
Thirteenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2022-23 Financial Year 28-06-2024
Twelfth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run-Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2021-22 financial year 28-06-2023
Eleventh report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run-Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2020-21 Financial Year 28-07-2022
Tenth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run-Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2019-20 Financial Year 10-06-2021
Ninth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2018-19 Financial Year 31-08-2020
Eighth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2017-18 Financial Year 10-09-2019
Seventh report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2016-17 Financial Year 15-08-2018
Sixth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2015-16 Financial Year 14-09-2017
Fifth report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2014-15 Financial Year 14-09-2016
Fourth report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2013-14 Financial Year 11-11-2015
Third report on the costs of the Australian Government’s Run Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2012-13 Financial Year 24-03-2015
Second report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2011-12 Financial Year 05-03-2014
First report on the costs of the Australian Government's Run-Off Cover Scheme for midwife professional indemnity insurers - 2010-11 Financial Year 14-08-2012
General insurance reports
Report title Release Date
Evaluation of the stability & affordability of medical indemnity insurance 16-11-2020